10 Jul 2024 5:46 AM

Village Roadshow Studios

Village Roadshow Studios is one of Australia's most extensive studio facilities and offers world-class film production facilities.

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8 Jul 2024 4:57 PM

Community Roadside Guanaba 8 June 24

It's time for a community roadside at Maudsland / Guanaba, Cliff Bird Park, Maudsland Road. It's been a busy “long” day hitting the pavement in the electorate chatting with residents. Next stop, Rotary meeting

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8 Jul 2024 7:27 AM

Back To School

School is back! Best Wishes to all students and teachers as Term 3 commences today. Don’t forget that 40km/hr school zones are now in force each morning and afternoon, on school days.

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7 Jul 2024 4:52 PM

Roadside Michigan Drive 7 July 24

It is time for a community roadside at Oxenford after a weekend at the LNP State Conference in Brisbane. 🗺️ Today I'm at Michigan Drive Oxenford.

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4 Jul 2024 4:48 PM

Roadside Upper Coomera 4 July 24

Time for a community roadside at Upper Coomera, near the Upper Coomera Community Centre, Reserve Road.

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