Corona Virus Update Schools Resumption.

4 May 2020 9:46 PMMark Boothman Corona Virus Update Schools Resumption.

Attached is a link to the Queensland Education FAQ regarding resumption of schools. It is a long read, but does contain relevant information.


"Is it expected that children in Prep, Year 1, Year 11 and Year 12 attend school from 11 May 2020?

Yes. Schools will resume regular teaching and learning for students in these year levels as part of the phased return to school.

It is acknowledged that some parents of Prep, Year 1, Year 11 and Year 12 students may still wish to keep their children home from school due to concerns about COVID-19 and due to student health concerns. This is an acceptable decision and your child won’t be marked as being absent, rather that they are learning from home.

In these cases, parents and carers remain responsible for their children. This includes ensuring their children stay at home and continue their learning by accessing material such as those provided for parents on the learning@home website.

As is currently the case, parents will be required to communicate with the school about their child’s absence from school. This includes when a parent chooses to keep their child at home due to concerns about COVID-19 as well as when a child is ill. When you contact the school with this information you may also wish to discuss any support you may need to assist you with your child’s learning at home.

Parents and carers of students with health support needs are encouraged to consult their health practitioner when deciding if their child should attend school."

Ps I'm slowly replying to the multiple private messages and direct emails.