20 Jan 2017 10:35 AM

Lockout Laws

Most people do the right thing, why should their lives be impacted on because there are those in our society who do the wrong thing. We should punish those who commit deplorable acts, not the innocent people having a good time.

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12 Jan 2017 1:00 PM

Another Letter to the Police Minister

Once again, I have written the Minister for Police requesting 30 additional Police Officers for The Northern Gold Coast. This will reduce the massive workload officers are currently subjected and allow better response times. Number one topic at my Community Roadsides is the lack of Police resources. Other issues raised are hooning and crime.

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6 Jan 2017 3:31 PM

What’s your thoughts?

With violence becoming so prevalent, we need laws that meet community expectations, especially for our emergency service workers and those working in our schools and hospitals. For the most deplorable crimes, a matter many residents have been passionate about, justice should reflect severity of the crime and life should be life in prison.

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